What we achieve
Human activities are causing unprecedented environmental changes in coastal and marine ecosystems. Port areas become both the final accumulation site for chemicals from anthropic activities and a cause of pollution that is dicfficult to contain. This represents a significant environmental risk for marine biodiversity and surrounding areas of the port, often nature sites or touristic locations, and a risk to human health. To combat this issues, TREASURE aims to create a governance framework, develop a common monitoring approach and define and test novel techniques to reduce pollution and remediate polluted environments.

Create a governance framework
Our territory needs effective, cross-sector and cross-cutting governance frameworks to deal with the challenges of pollution in port areas. The project proposes a multi-stakeholder governance solution designed for the creation of territorial mini-labs.

Build an integrated and innovative monitoring approach
The Euro-MED area requires a common language and approach to the concept of monitoring and evaluating environmental quality in and around port areas. TREASURE proposes to develop an integrated and innovative approach for the preservation and restoration of the land-sea ecosystem.

Develop and test of novel techniques for the restoration of degraded and polluted port areas
TREASURE will define novel techiques, methods and methodologies that need further testing prior to achiving full commercialisation and rollout. There technicques, once fully tested, may be used to remediate polluted sediments and water in port areas.