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The Port of Bar, Montenegro will ensure that TREASURE results are mainstreamed into port activities and relevant policy frameworks. Results of environmental impact monitoring will determine future dredging activities and form a basis of future plans related to environmental issues. In order to improve its environmental status, Port of Bar will implement novel technologies in which sea pollution will be addressed, and the above mentioned will include project equipment that will collect particles of dry bulk materials that are causing pollution.

The action plan of Durres Port Authority consists in the investment of a pumping station for the measurement of parameters that detect hydrocarbon pollution, providing data on the physical and chemical parameters of seawater.
The project supports the needs of the Authority with two ports for integrated protection of the marine environment, in accordance with European quality standards and in implementation of ISO 14001:2015 standards.
The action from the Port of Livorno consists in promoting a proper environmental characterization using a multiple line of evidence approach, to be standardized and easily replicable in different port areas and investigating Mechanical – electrochemical and biological treatment of contaminated sediments addressed to beneficial re-use.

The Port Authority of Piraeus is expecting that TREASURE will allow a more accurate characterization and classification of soil and water pollution and a more optimised planning for relocation, limitation and mitigation of contamination sources.
Port Authorities of Valencia need new scientific knowledge and technology to manage the consequences of the use of scrubbers. Some know-how has already been developed in the last five years at scientific level, but it is necessary to transfer it to the authorities in charge of these matters. Port Authority of Valencia is very interested in the work to be developed in Treasure by Fundacion Valenciaport.

The Authority for Transport Malta is expecting that this project will enhance the Authority’s capabilities to identify pollution risks through a comprehensive risk assessment and also deploy novel techniques to reduce marine pollution in the Port of Valletta.
Media Kit
TREASURE is a project co-financed by the Interreg Euro-MED programme. It aims at improving environmental quality in and around Mediterranean port areas by mitigating and reducing sediment and water pollution. In order to improve the fragile environmental quality, TREASURE will perform transnational testing of integrated, multi-stakeholder support environments, merging three multi-disciplinary elements: a stakeholder ecosystem to create open laboratories, integrated approach to environmental quality assessment and experimentation of novel techniques to restore degraded and polluted areas.
TREASURE’s total budget is of €2.501.581,50 for a duration of 33 months.
TREASURE Consortium is composed by 9 partners, involves 7 countries and is lead by the Agency for the Development of the Empolese Valdelsa (ASEV).
For any media related questions, please contact us at marconato@cei.int
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