What we do
TREASURE aims at improving environmental quality in and around Mediterranean port areas, by mitigating and reducing sediment and water pollution. The project capitalises on previous projects to address 3 core challenges – GOVERNANCE, MONITORING ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY and NOVEL TECHNIQUES- to produce an integrated TREASURE solution. The TREASURE innovative approach will be the result of 4 work packages.
WP 1:Testing multi-stakeholder supporting ecosystems for environmental quality in Mediterranean ports
TREASURE partners will engage target groups to create a multi-stakeholder supporting ecosystem as active members of the mini-territorial labs accross the involved Euro-MED territories.
WP 2: Testing new approaches to environmental assessment in Mediterranean ports, through Lines of Evidence
TREASURE partners aim at creating a common understanding of new approaches to environmental assessment in Mediterranean port areas, leading to the cration of an Impact Evaluation and Hazard Management matrix that is tested at the transnational level in involved territories.
WP 3: Testing sourcing and experimentation of novel techniques for environmental remediation in port areas
TREASURE aims at sourcing and undertaking transantional testing of novel techniques for environmental remediation in relevant port areas, within the mini-lab format, leading to solid transnational results about their cost-effectiveness/impact.
WP 4: Mainstreaming and planning for transfer of the TREASURE solution
Ultimately TREASURE partners will work to consolidate the solution and to ensure its long-term mainstreaming and transfer, encouraging better environmental quality in Mediterranean port areas.